Disney Movie Display Stand

Since moving into our new place we have much more room to display our Disney collection. And of course that means setting up our genuine store display stand that holds all our Disney movies (plus movies from other studios, to be fair).

Here is how it looks in its new home in the corner of our living room:

Disney Movie Display Stand 001

What is there to watch?

We picked this up many years ago from a couple who bought it from a video store that was going out of business. That was in the 1980’s so it is close to or more than 40 years old!

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Two designs for the sides

The long yellow area has a slit that allows a card to be slid into the space. This was probably to promote the latest Disney release.

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Many Hidden Mickeys everywhere

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Heavy duty casters allow easy movement of the stand

The casters can also be locked which we imagine was to stop customers from pushing the stand accidentally. It is so heavy though this would be hard, especially when fully loaded with VHS tapes (yes, VHS back in the early 1980’s).

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Tsum Tsum hangout

There originally was a center piece that bolted to the top, but that was missing when we got the stand. We haven’t been able to find what was supposed to be there. None of these stands seem to be for sale on the Internet.

All in all not a bad purchase at just $80.00 CAN back in the 1990’s!

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